Mark Salama inspired by data Podcast Recommender

New York State Car Registrations by County

Using Dash to build an app to visualize where different car brands are registered.

Lottery Ticket Sales by State

East Coast dominates lottery ticket sales with Massachusetts in a league of its own.

Powerball and Mega Millions by State

The Northeast generally, and New Jersey specifically, dominate high-payout multi-state lottery games.

Intreprating XGBoost Models using ELI5

Decision tree ensembles frequently outperform regression but are not as easy to interpret. In this post I use the ELI5 package to visualize the learned relationship between a feature and the target variable.

Visualizing Brooklyn Home Price Appreciation

Putting Manhattan to shame with even greater appreciation

Visualizing Manhattan Home Price Appreciation

A look at price appreciation by neighborhood since 2004

Sell in May and (Facebook) Prophet

I was testing out Facebook's Prophet using S&P 500 data and the seasonal decomposition showed a peak in May, so I took a closer look.

Find Your Podcast

A personalized podcast discovery website with over 3,000 podcasts.

Movie Recommender Website

Impressed by the power of matrix factorization, but disappointed with the options for exploring personalized recommendations, I built an easy-to-use movie recommender website with Dash.

Movie Similarities using Matrix Factorization

A quick look into a popular recommender system technique called matrix factorization

NYC Neighborhood Average Age through Citibike Usage

Using Citibike to understand age distributions across neighborhoods in New York City

Citibike Heatmaps 2016

A visual exploration of Citibike rides taken across New York City in 2016